Haoyan Zhuang, From Guanxi to Lianjie: Stranger Intimacy and Co-living in Contemporary China, Asian Anthropology (in process)
庄皓琰,2018,《遭遇污染》,载《当代中国⽥野观察》,国务院参事室社会调查中⼼编, 社会科学⽂献出版社。(费孝通⽥野调查征⽂⽐赛⼆等奖)
Haoyan Zhuang, The Family We Created: “Familial Narrative” of Co-living and New Understanding of Family among Chinese Youth in Shanghai (under review)
Haoyan Zhuang, Live and Leave: Experience Orientation and Guest Mind of Co-living youth in Contemporary China (under review)
庄皓琰,本真青年:中国人类学青年研究的新视角 (2024.11)
Haoyan Zhuang, Towards the Public We Open: Co-living as a Youth Space and Stranger Intimacy (2023.10)