


“新时代中国社会转型与发展国际研讨会” 暨2022年中国人民大学“新汉学计划”博士生专题工作坊论文征集通知

2022-05-12 文:十大网上博彩网站排行 图:十大网上博彩网站排行



International Symposium on China’s Social Transformation and Development in the New Era & 2022 CSP Workshop on Sociology for Ph.D. Candidates

2022 年6 月26-28日·中国人民大学

26-28, June, 2022; Renmin University of China

主办方: 中国人民大学社会与人口十大网上博彩网站排行 / 汉语国际推广研究所 / 中外语言交流合作中心

Co-organizers:School of Sociology and Population Studies; Institute for the Promotion of Chinese Language and Culture, Renmin University of China; Center for Language Education and Cooperation

一、主题?What you can work on?


China’s Social Transformation and Development in the New Era


Social transformation and development have been the distinctive features of China since its reform and opening up, and this feature has become more prominent in China since entering the new era. The contradiction between people's growing need for a better life and the unbalanced and insufficient development has become the central social contradiction. The economy has shifted from the stage of high-speed growth to the stage of high-quality development. At the same time, the development of Chinese society is facing challenges from population aging, digital social transformation, sustainable urbanization, etc. We need to deepen the social transformation and development research based on the Chinese context in the new era. It is necessary to summarize the advantages and problems in the process of local development and learn from international development experience to better cope with the challenges in future.


(1) 新时代中国社会转型新特征研究

(2) 国内外社会保障体系发展研究

(3) 国内外人口健康发展研究

(4) 老年人口福祉与实施积极应对人口老龄化国家战略研究

(5) 中高收入国家社会转型发展比较研究

(6)  国内外社会发展过程中面临的其他议题

Ph.D. students from home and abroad interested in this theme – “China’s Social Transformation and Development in the New Era” are welcome to submit a paper related (not limited) to the following topics:

(1) New features of China's social transformation in the new era

(2) Development of social security systems in China and abroad

(3) Development of population health in China and abroad

(4) Well-being of the elderly population and the implementation of a national strategy to actively cope with population aging

(5) Comparative study on the development of social transformation in middle- and high-income countries

(6) Other issues in the process of social development at home and abroad

二、你将获得什么?What you can get?

本次工作坊将邀请相关领域的专家组成学术委员会,对投稿文章进行双向匿名评审,现场给予点评意见,并最后选拔 6 篇优秀论文,颁发获奖证书。 此外,您可以获得




The workshop organizing committee will invite renowned scholars in related fields to review the submitted papers and offer comments at the workshop. The Committee will recommend six papers to award the honorary certificates. In addition, you can get

- Professional guidance

-The opportunity to participate in the yearly conference at the end of the year and to receive awards

-The opportunity to have your article included in the proceedings

三、论文格式要求?What we expect about the style format?


论文格式请参照《社会学评论》投稿要求(中文投稿最好不超过一万字), 英文文章可参照 Chinese Sociological Review 的期刊投稿要求。

论文文件请以“题目+姓名+专业+联系方式”进行命名。投稿截止日期为  2022年5月25日,入选名单将于5月30日公布。

投稿邮箱:[email protected]

The workshop accepts unpublished and original article. The first author should be a doctoral student. The approval of other co-authors is needed before the submission. Article should not normally exceed 10,000 words (excluding footnotes).  Please refer to the submission guidelines of Sociological Review of China (Chinese) and Chinese Sociological Review (English) for research paper format.

Please submit your paper in Pdf or Word document format via the email ([email protected]). The file should be named as "title + name + major + contact information". The deadline for submission is 20 May, 2022. Successful submission will be announced on 3 June, 2022.

四、如何联系?Who to contact?

如有任何关于投稿或参会相关的疑问,请发送邮件至[email protected]

Should you have difficulties in submitting your article or any question related to the workshop, please contact [email protected].

五、还有吗?Anything else?

工作坊时间: 2022年6月26-28日


参会费用:本次工作坊不收取任何会务费用。承办方将为现场参会者提供午餐, 往返交通费、住宿费用自理。

The in-person workshop will be held at Guo Xue Guan of Renmin University of China on June 26-28, 2022. More information about the online options will be announced later.

No fees will be charged for participants. Free lunch will be available for in person participants.