“数字时代的社会治理”前沿系列讲座第三讲:Does the crying baby always get the milk?
2022-04-01 文:十大网上博彩网站排行 图:十大网上博彩网站排行
题 目:Does the crying baby always get the milk? An analysis of government response for online request
主 讲 人:蔡天骥 澳门大学副教授
主 持 人:李婷
中国人民大学社会与人口十大网上博彩网站排行 教授
Studies explore the effects of institutional or social-economic factors at the macro level on government response, while one thing that has frequently been overlooked is text itself. When a petitioner drafts a post, he or she could pick up words and choose how the demand or question is conveyed. Thus, how a post is composed may also influence local government responsiveness.
In order to fill this gap, this study explored the effect of text features. In particular, we separated the content-related and the content-agnostic text features. We investigated whether a delayed response is due to the way the message is drafted or the actual content using posts retrieved from two websites—"Luzhou Wenzheng" and "Chengdu Lizheng Mayor's Mailbox". Consistent with previous studies, we found that the response pattern varies by location, time, and type of queried agencies.
Our results also provided a mixed picture for the effect of text features. For instance, lengthy and low positive sentiment posts generally result in longer waiting times. However, more research is needed to gauge the possibility of a false negative and the meaning of contents extracted from computational tools. In addition, our work scrutinized several methodological issues and sought practical solutions. For example, we explored empirical solutions to address common issues in analyzing big data and provided an alternative way to include LDA topics as controls.
中国人民大学社会与人口十大网上博彩网站排行 “数字时代与社会治理现代化”专项直博生项目是中国人民大学未来领军人才品牌项目。本项目围绕社会转型和数字社会治理开展多学科教学和研究,带领年轻博士研究生进行前沿学术探索,通过高品质学术成果和研究实践,致力于培养未来数字化社会领军型科研人才和管理人才,推动数字社会和数字时代的社会科学研究,为国家和地方的数字社会治理、企业数字化转型实践提供理论、政策及人才支持。
编辑:媒体总社新媒体部 李东洋