


人类学前沿讲座 | 中国人的社会:有关文化邻里的中国发现

2017-06-19 文:十大网上博彩网站排行 图:十大网上博彩网站排行


Anthropological Frontier Seminar

二零一七年春学期  第五讲  总第六十五讲

Lecture 5, June 2017, Total 65th

时间(Time):6月21日(星期三)晚上七点—九点(19:00-21:00)(21st, June)

主持人(Chaired):赵旭东  教授(Chaired by Prof. Zhao Xudong)

主讲人(Key Speaker):夏玫博士(Dr. Merle Schatz)

(德国莱比锡大学中国研究系/Leipzig University, Germany, Department of Chinese Studies)


(Chinese Societies: Some Findings of Cultural Neighbourhood in China.)

地点: 中国人民大学 科研楼A座 212会议室

Venue: Room 212, Building of Keyan, A-Wing, Renmin Univesity of China

讲座联系人:罗士泂,15650717598;[email protected]

Contact: Luo Shijiong,  Tel: 15650717598, Email: [email protected]

微信公众号联系人:朱鸿辉18811170916;[email protected]

夏玫博士(Dr. Merle Schatz)简介


Dr. Merle Schatz

Leipzig University, Germany,

Department of Chinese Studies

contact: [email protected]

Research Interest:

Chinese Societies, Contact Zone China, Cultural Neighborhood in China, Hybrid Identities, , social memory, Literature in a Contact Zone, cultural translation, sociolinguistics

Current Habilitation Project on: Contact Zone China: Encounters, Boundaries and Discoveries of cultural neighborhood in China