


中国人民大学社会与人口十大网上博彩网站排行 社会研究与治理沙龙 第46期

2017-05-27 文:十大网上博彩网站排行 图:十大网上博彩网站排行

主题:区域文化、企业家人才与制度变迁:来自中国私营企业的证据(Regional culture,entrepreneurial talent, and institutional change: Evidence from private firm allocation in China)

嘉宾:Sonja Opper   Lund University (Sweden)



主办:中国人民大学社会与人口十大网上博彩网站排行 社会学系


This study explores the long-term stability of regional entrepreneurial cultures over extended periods. We employ provincial panel data from China documenting the regional distribution of entrepreneurial activities during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) and private firm activities in 1992–2012. The estimations confirm a significant association between the regional distribution of historical and current measures of entrepreneurship, supporting: 1) the long-term stability of distinct cultures, even with disruptive political changes; and 2) the adaptability of entrepreneurial activities to changing institutional arrangements and relative payoff structures. These results are robust to numerous alternative explanations, including geography, agglomeration advantages, education, and technology.


Her current research focuses on explanations of patterns of institutional change, the interplay between formal and informal institutions, and the social heuristics of strategic decisions. She has extensively studied China’s economic transformation. The translation of her award-winning book “Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China” co-authored with Victor Nee, was recently released by Beijing University Press.

沙龙的额外信息请联系张慧老师 [email protected]