2017-04-06 文:十大网上博彩网站排行 图:十大网上博彩网站排行中国人民大学社会与人口十大网上博彩网站排行 北京市海淀区中关村大街59号,100872
Institute of Anthropology
School of Scociology and Population Studies
Renmin University of China (RUC)
Anthropological Frontier Seminar
二零一七年春学期 第三讲 总第六十三讲
Lecture 3, March 2017, Total 63th
时间(Time):4月12日(星期三)晚上七点—九点(19:00-21:00)(12th, April)
主持人(Chaired):赵旭东 教授(Chaired by Prof. Zhao Xudong)
主讲人(Key Speaker):
(The Western Gaze: Can Eastern Europe Be Freed from It?)
地点: 中国人民大学 科研楼A座 212会议室
Venue: Room 212, Building of Keyan, A-Wing, Renmin Univesity of China
讲座联系人:罗士泂,15650717598;[email protected]
Contact: Luo Shijiong, Tel: 15650717598, Email: [email protected]
微信公众号联系人:朱鸿辉18811170916;[email protected]
戴乐书(Dariusz Skorczewski)教授简介
Dariusz Skórczewski is Associate Professor of Polish literature in the Institute of Polish Philology and Vice-Dean of the Humanities for Research and International Cooperation at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. In 2001—2004 and 2006—2007 as a Kosciuszko Foundation Fellow he was Visiting Professor of Polish Studies at Rice University in Houston, Texas, and University of Illinois at Chicago. His scholarly interests include theory and anthropology of literature, history of literary criticism in Poland in the 20th and 21st century, and postcolonial studies in Polish literature and culture, especially in relation to Polish historical experience and identity. He has published extensively on these topics in Polish and American journals, among them Teksty Drugie/Second Texts, Porównania/Comparisons, Pamiętnik Literacki/Literary Memoir, The Sarmatian Review, Ethos, and Znak. He has authored three books, among them the most recent Theory–Literature–Discourse. A Postcolonial Landscape (2013, in Polish) and co-edited two books: Melancholia: The Disease of the Soul (with A. Wierciński, 2014) and The Task of Interpretation: Hermeneutics, Psychoanalysis, and Literary Studies (with A. Wierciński and E. Fiała, 2009). His articles have been translated into English, German, Ukrainian, and Hungarian. He is on the editorial board of The Sarmatian Review, Postcolonial Europe, and Roczniki Humanistyczne/Annales de Lettres et Sciences Humaines.